Wednesday, October 27, 2010


I just finished drawing a picture of David Bowie (that I will post tomorrow), and I realized something; I can't use COLOR.

I mean, I know how the primaries and the secondaries and the color theory stuff works. But, everytime I try to use a wide array of colors it looks like gook. Especially when I try to do bright, neon-y stuff. It's like I always just end up choosing colors that look awful together. Then, I'll try to fix it by panicking and adding more colors, AAAND it's a downward spiral from there.

This is probably why I stick to only using monochromatic schemes, and the primaries (never secondaries, I think they are gross together).

On a somewhat relevant note, Jesus I hate contrasting colors with a passion. Why do we ALWAYS use that scheme in art class? If we did nothing but primaries all year, I would be SO CONTENT. Heck, why do we even get assigned color schemes in art class? I WANT TO DO WHAT I WANT /whine. But, some people just don't get them, I guess. Just like they don't get contour lines. Dear God someone get me out of my art class pleeeaasseee

PS: I totally used primaries on David Bowie



  1. Get ALL OF US OUT. PLEASE. All the potential in that class is being squandered.

    Imagine... An art class, with all of our artist friends, where we actually IMPROVE... And we don't have to use STUPID NASTY COMPLEMENTARY COLOR SCHEMES BECAUSE THEY'RE SO ELEMENTARY AND LSKHFLAIURGHLAKERJH ;ALERKJA;BLKRDTJYA'´®†

    ...How'd I get the (r) and the cross? >.>

  2. OMG Katelyn!

    The sheer force of your art class induced rage caused you to type keys THAT DON'T EVEN EXIST!

    But yeah man, I wish that art class existed. If only we had Mr. Hester again. IF ONLY.

  3. BWA HA HA, yes, my rage is incredible and totally didn't drive me to the 'alt' key on my Mac.... >.> ¬.¬


  4. I still like to think that your rage created an invisible hand out of the ether, which then pushed the alt key.

