Saturday, July 17, 2010

I like terrible jokes

You all know my love for awful jokes, yes? If you don't, then, you don't know me, man. Anyway, here's a comic in which I tell Marley an awful joke. Let's read it!


  1. Kirby! Did this actually happen? because I kinda remember not answering your joke, but then again,most jokes you tell me that I know where they are heading I refuse to answer.

    And I just realized a few days ago that the shirt you drew me in on my birthday card thing had a milk carton for HARVEY MILK. thank you for that, because that made my day.

  2. Kind of yes! It was at your birthday party and we were all walking by the train tracks when I told it.

    Heehee, now problemo! I am glad it made your day. 8)
