Also, I started working on my "choose your own adventure" book. Progress is pretty good, I guess. Mapping out the stories and their branches makes my head hurt, though. I find it hard to comprehend, really. But I will get over it!
I have ten books printed, so not everyone will get one just yet because I'm sending some off places. But you will all have one. Eventually. Or at least get to look at it.
NOW WHO WANTS TO SEE MORE WEBCAM PICS OF ME POSING WITH IT? Man I love David Bowie! (platonically of course)
It's the only thing that's going to be in color, so I went all-out. All-out LIKE A MANIAC.
SPOOK is almost complete, by the way. All that's left it Marley's advice column, Kathleen's mystery picture, and some technical nonsense. ARE YOU EXCITED? I am. This is exciting.
I really like to draw rainbows and triangles lately. I blame my reading of art magazines.
Anyway, I'm writing a comic right now. That and school combined, the blog posts will dwindle. BUT! There will always be one a week. Always.
Yeah, how do ya like them poor scans? They're great, I know. Also, the story told above isn't mine; I read it while browsing tumblr one day. But still.
Well guys, that's all I got for today. Seeya!
That's all for now, SEE-YA!
The bad part is I'm going to make you pay me before you can get one. And I'm not letting you read before you pay, either. But hey, it takes a lot of effort to put one of these things together okay? I have a right to ask for cash.
Lucky for you guys, I'm only asking for an even 3 buckaroos for one of these babies. I know you guys can afford that! I know it.
I'll leave you guessing as to what it says, even though I think it's fairly obvious. I think.
So anyway, today I hung out with Kathleen at the Sleepy Poet. We looked at antiques and bought a Mick Jagger record! We bought it because it had Mick Jagger on the cover in longjohns. Very tempting.
Afterwords we went to Kathleen's house, and she has THE CUTEST KITTEN, which you can see in the above picture. It's name is Claire. I love Claire.
Aaand, I will go to sleep now! Night errbody!
Speaking of study buddies, Katelyn made some to help with her Japanese learnin'. I know this because read it on her Facebook page. Anyway, once I see these study buddies, I will be drawing them!
That's it for now!
Anyway, click the picture to make it bigger. Then, gaze upon the ludicrous colors, flying cars, and a guy being pushed from a window. WHAT MORE COULD YOU WANT?